Getting trial license

You will need a trial activation key to be able to convert your CentOS server to CloudLinux. The trial license subscription will work for 30 days.

If you have any issues getting activation key or if you have any questions regarding using your trial subscription – contact and we will help.

To get the activation key:

  1. Register with CloudLinux Network: (skip it if you already registered)
  2. You will receive an email with activation link
  3. Login at
  4. Click on Get Trial Activation Key

You will get a key that looks like: 12314-d34463a182fede4f4d7e140f1841bcf2

Use it to register your system or to convert CentOS server to CloudLinux server.

#License activation

To register your server with CloudLinux Network using activation key run:

$ yum install rhn-setup --enablerepo=cloudlinux-base
$ /usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks --activationkey=<activation key>

Where activation key is like 1231-2b48feedf5b5a0e0609ae028d9275c93

If you have IP based license, use clnreg_ks command:

$ yum install rhn-setup --enablerepo=cloudlinux-base
$ /usr/sbin/clnreg_ks --force